Ducks Unlimited Apps

Ducks Unlimited
Experience the new, official Ducks UnlimitedAndroid App. DU has combined all of its popular Apps into one go-toresource. The DU Migration Map, Waterfowler’s Journal, DU Memberfeatures, Waterfowl ID, and more – all of the features and toolsyou have grown to love – all in one app. The new DU App includes awide range of content and features that are important to DUsupporters, waterfowl hunters, and conservationists throughoutNorth America.App Features• Migration Map- View waterfowl migration reports across the U.S. and Canada inlist-view or map format- View public report submission intensity at a glance using theheat map feature- Search migration and hunting reports near you- Submit your own report- View reports from DU Field Editors, DU Biologists, and DUMigration Alerts- View weather forecasts for report locations• Waterfowl ID- View information on the most popular North American waterfowlspecies- View photos, listen to audio and detailed information onbreeding, migration, population and food habits- View distribution maps, including visual boundaries of breeding,wintering, and year-round activity• Ducks Unlimited Events- Find a local DU event in your area or browse events for all U.S.states and Canadian provinces- View event details and purchase tickets online• Waterfowler’s Journal- Log location, weather conditions, and other notes relative toyour hunt- Log the number of birds harvested, broken down by species andsex- Take photos from your phone and attach them directly to yourreports- View and edit journal entries from previous hunts• DU Members / My DU- Create an account and customize your preferred content on the Apphome screen- As a DU Member, you have access to your account information,membership expiration date, and digital version of your DUmembership card- Your My DU login is free to create, and is required for using theWaterfowler’s Journal• Hunting Tools- View sunrise / sunset data for your current location or provide acity, state/province- View snow cover maps for the U.S.- Access band recovery data- Access National Wildlife Refuge details for the U.S.- Access season and bag limit information for the U.S. andCanada• Multimedia- View the popular Photo of the Day – a new photo featured dailysubmitted by DU members- Access DU TV and DU Films full-length videos- Access info on Ducks Unlimited magazine and the DU Member Photogallery• More- Learn about Ducks Unlimited and the benefits of becoming a DUmember- Submit comments & feedback- Join us on Social Media
Ducks Unlimited Membership App 1.0
The Ducks Unlimited Membership app is avirtualmembership card exclusive to DU members. Now you can carrya digitalversion of your card everywhere you go conveniently onyour Androidphone! Not a Ducks Unlimited member? No problem.Simply downloadthis app and follow the links to join online today.The app displays the following information as shown onyourprinted card:· DU member ID number· Membership level· Contact information· Membership expiration date (if applicable)Additionally, the app will remind you when it’s time torenewyour membership and provides two options that will allow youtorenew:1. A list of DU events across the nation can be found in theapp.By attending a DU event, you can automatically renewyourmembership.2. A direct link is provided within the app that will allowyouto immediately renew your membership with a creditcardpayment.Finally, the app includes a bar code which can be scanned atthedoor at future Ducks Unlimited events.This FREE app is a must for all Ducks Unlimited members!
DU National Convention 2.0
Ducks Unlimited National Convention AppDownload the official iPhone app of the Ducks Unlimited79thAnniversary National Convention. If you’re attending thisyear’sconvention in Alaska, this app is a must have! You’ll havealisting of all the relevant information in one convenient,FREEapp. This includes:· Schedule of events· Tours and activities information· Hotel information· Local and facility maps· Local dining information· Auction items (incl. silent auction)· Raffle information· And much more!
DU Expo 1.1495
DUX Maps, Activities, Events, Schedules, Exhibitors, Sponsors, andmore.